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A Hands-On Way to Serve Your Neighbor in Racine

See the face of Christ.
Be the face of Christ.

If you're looking to do good, you're in the right place.

Our mission is to seek out those who are in need, recognizing the face of Christ in every individual, and to be the face of Christ through our compassionate service.

We are called to relieve suffering and offer hope, embracing everyone regardless of creed, background, or circumstance.


With hearts that burn with the love of God, we are on a journey together towards holiness. We are not perfect; we are all broken and in need of God's grace. But by striving to follow the example of Christ, who loves everyone, we know that we can live lives of meaningful purpose and help others to catch a glimpse of God's great love for them.


What does it mean to be a member?

We are men and women of all backgrounds, committed to seeing the face of Christ in our neighbors and being the face of Christ through our acts of kindness and service. As a a Catholic lay organization, our Society is open to all who seek to live a life of meaning by dedicating themselves to their neighbors in need.


Membership may look different for everyone.

Whether you are donating your time or resources, by becoming a member you join a genuine community of faith, love, prayer, and action. Together, we grow in spirituality, friendship, and service.

Our Values

To carry out our mission of providing personal help to those in need, we focus on five virtues that are essential for promoting love and respect for those we serve.

Donation Center

Frankness, integrity, genuineness


Accepting the truth about our own weaknesses, gifts, and talents. All that God has given us is for others; we can achieve nothing of eternal value without his grace.


Kindness, sweetness, and patience in our relationships with others, exhibited with friendliness and an invincible goodwill. 


We live a life of self-sacrifice by sharing our time, possessions, talents, and ourselves in a spirit of generosity.


We express a passion for the full flourishing and eternal happiness of every person!


How You Can Make a Difference:


Find yourself by helping others and experience life-changing results. Your time and presence allow you to see the face of Christ in those you serve and to be the face of Christ through your compassionate actions.

Explore Our Programs

Our programs are designed to meet the needs of our community with the heart of Christ. From food pantries to homelessness prevention, each service allows us to see Christ in those we help and be Christ’s hands and heart in our neighborhood.


Your tax-deductible gift provides direct assistance to our Racine neighbors in need. Through your generosity, you help us be the face of Christ to those experiencing hardship and offer them hope and support.


Change lives and fund important programs by shopping or donating to our thrift stores. Every purchase and donation supports our mission to see and serve Christ in every neighbor we encounter.

What It's Like to Be a Vincentian?

Being a Vincentian isn't about having special skills or tons of free time. It's about showing up, lending a hand, and sharing a smile. Whether you have an hour a week or a day a month, your presence matters. You’ll meet incredible people, make lifelong friends, and grow in your faith as you serve. Together, we form a community that not only helps others but also finds deep joy and purpose in the process.


Personal Impact Stories

Serving others isn't just about providing help—it's about connecting hearts. Imagine sitting down to share a warm meal with someone who hasn't had one in days, or offering a pair of fresh clothes to a parent who wants to keep their child warm. It's in these small, quiet moments that we see the face of Christ. Every act of kindness, no matter how small, changes lives—theirs and ours.

We Need You

The world is a chaotic and busy place. It can feel overwhelming to think about one more thing to add to your "to-do" list.


What would your life be like if you experienced more joy?

What would your life be like if you could feel more love?

How would you feel if you could relieve someone's suffering, even for a moment?

We need good people to do good work. We need you!


Doing Great Good For The Greater Good

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