Our stores help to provide funding for our outreach ministries and help the community in recycling gently used donated items that can be affordable and valuable to our shoppers. Our boutique style shopping experience allows customers to search through a clean well organized store! Our stores participate in the Voucher Program to assist those in need. We also offer Veteran's Discount daily, a Senior Discount day on Wednesdays and Furniture Pick-up services. For a list of what we will not accept for donations click here.
This store is located next to the Baymont Hotel and behind the Aurora Health Clinic
Location: 822 Forrest Lane, Waterford, WI 53185
Store Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm/Sat 9am-4pm
Donation Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-4pm/Sat 9am-2pm
Furniture Pickup: M, W, F (10am-12pm) appointment required, Racine County only: please email photos of furniture here
Phone: 262-332-7242
This store is located on the North side of Racine.
Location: 2118 Rapids Dr, Racine WI 53404
Store Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm/Sat 9am-4pm
Donation Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-4pm/Sat 9am-3pm
Furniture Pickup: Tu, Thurs (10am-12pm) appointment required, Racine County only: please email photos of furniture here
Phone: 262-583-0177
St. Vincent de Paul
Racine County
926 LaSalle St.
PO Box 44195
Racine, WI 53404